Bohemian Buddhist Review


Reviews of Books, Movies, Articles, etc -- from a Buddhist perspective

Irrta From The Pleiades: Hopi Prophecy and the Holographic Multiverse
by Paki S. Wright 
New on Amazon/Kindle
Irrta is a long short story about ETs who come to the American Southwest with a mission to meet up with Hopi elders in Arizona, to help Earth through its current numerous crises.
 Buy on Kindle $2.99  
The All Souls' Waiting Room:  
A Black Comedy About Karma and Killing Yourself
by Paki S. Wright 
5-Star Amazon Rating
The shaes of Freud, Jung, and Reich joust to see whou can save a young life from adolescent depression and teen suicide.
Buy on Kindle $3.99 or Paperback $13.52