Bohemian Buddhist Review

Book Reviews

Book Reviews  --  from a Buddhist perspective
5-Star Amazon rating  
"Created with unrelenting skill and unflinching memory . . . " - Norman Solomon 

Introduction to Tantra
by Lama Yeshe 

No Self, No Problem
by Anam Thupten 

Open Heart, Open Mind
by Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Passionate Enlightenment by Miranda Shaw
by Miranda Shaw, still sooo relevant

The Power and the Pain
by Andrew Holecek

Rebel Buddha and the Wisconsin Wave
by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche

Reuniting America
by Joseph McCormick, co-author Swami Beyondananda

Saltwater Buddha
by Jaimal Yogis 

Consciousness studies in a bedroom

by David Lodge

Working for Good
by Jeff Klein